Flood estimation and storm water drainage for roads
The Road Drainage Manual first published in 1981, has been fully updated revised and sections added by the South African National Roads Agency
Ltd (SANRAL) and published as Drainage Manual, 5th Edition - Fully revised
The manual has added sections on economics, subsurface drainage and diagrams and all other chapters are fully updated. In addition this
manual now falls in line with the new road classifications for South Africa that apply to all national, provincial and municipal authorities. The manual has also been expanded and is supported
by a suite of software packages.
Course objectives
The objectives of the course are to reflect principles, standards and procedures applicable to the hydraulic design and assessment of drainage problems and provide
guidance in solving drainage related problems. This will be achieved by reviewing the contents of the Drainage Manual
and reinforcing the understanding and application by problem solving.
Flood calculations and Free surface flow (HEC-RAS)
In past courses the focus was on extreme floods and design philosophies In this course it was decided to return to the basics and present a practical course on flood calculation methods.
The course includes:
- Flood calculation methods (Statistical, deterministic and empirical)
- Theoretical and practical problems in the determination of catchment rainfall
- Alternative methods for design flood estimation – empirical, statistical and process models.
Furthermore the course also focusses on the basic theory and practical applications of free surface flow. Aspects that are covered range from the basic theory of free surface flow, energy, momentum
and continuity as well as the use of the popular free software package HEC-RAS. The HEC-RAS River Analysis System Software is demonstrated in performing one-dimensional hydraulic calculations such as
steady and unsteady flow simulations. The capabilities of the software to analyse culverts and bridges, scouring at structures and dam break analysis are also demonstrated through practical
Pumping station design
Discussion of the various hydraulic and mechanical aspects of pump stations that is undertaken during the planning and design phase.
- Pump selection and dimensioning of the components and pump station layout
- Discussion of good practice in pump station design.
- Performing a practical exercise of a pump station design.
- Pumping principles and pipeline characteristics
- Pump selection, type of pumps
- Pipework, valves and water meters
- Sump design and super structures
Transients in pipe systems
Transient flow assessment is a crucial part of the pressure class selection of pipes during the final design stage, preventing surge pressures, which in numerous cases results in pipe failures.
Foreseen and unforeseen operational circumstances can result in undesirable pressure conditions that should be analyzed for new pipelines, assessment of the upgrading of existing systems and
determining the influence and risk associated with planned operational changes. The use of the widely used Surge2000 computer software ( to analyze transients in pipe systems is
covered and problems solved in workshop sessions.
Water supply and waterborne sanitation systems
The general health of the population will be raised if people have access to basic water supply and sanitation. The vision of providing sanitation in South Africa as reflected in the Draft White Paper
on Water Services (DWAF, 2002) read as follows:
Water is Life, Sanitation is Dignity 1. All people living in South Africa have access to adequate, safe and affordable water and
sanitation services, practice safe sanitation and use water wisely. 2. Water supply and sanitation services are sustainable and are provided by effective and efficient institutions that are
accountable and responsive to those whom they serve. 3. Water is used wisely, sustainably and efficiently in order to promote economic growth and reduce poverty.
Water Supply and sanitation
has to be addressed in an integrated manner to achieve the vision for sanitation provision in South Africa. Conventional waterborne sanitation systems is usually perceived as the highest level of
service, but the lack of sustainable water in certain areas may warrant the consideration of alternative sanitation systems. The safe disposal of human excreta is vitally important in the control of
infectious and other communicable diseases and hence the construction of appropriate sanitation systems is paramount in contributing to the safe disposal of human excreta.
In the course the
theory and design practices of water supply and waterborne sewerage systems will be highlighted. Typical practical problems will be discussed and delegates will be guided through the solutions to a
number of problems. Guidelines for water supply in the rural environment and procedures to provide infrastructure and operational and maintenance frameworks will also be covered.
additional fourth day can also be attended where an introduction to the hydraulic modeling of water distribution systems will be covered, reflecting the basics of water distribution modeling and
reviewing the different components of water distribution systems. EPANET, which is public domain software, will be used for the modeling although the basic principles taught are applicable to any
water distribution modeling software.
Water distribution modelling
This course provides an introduction to the hydraulic modelling of water distribution systems. The basics of water distribution modelling are covered and all the different components of water
distribution systems are discussed.
EPANET is public domain software, which may be freely copied and distributed. EPANET is used as demonstration software although the basic principles taught are applicable to any water
distribution modelling software.
EPANET is a computer program that does hydraulic and water quality simulations of pressurized water distribution systems. It can perform single and extended-period simulations. EPANET tracks the flow
of water in each pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each reservoir as well as the concentration of a chemical concentrations throughout the network during a simulation period.
The course covers the basic theory followed by practical computer sessions strengthening the material covered.
Urban drainage
This course provides an introduction to urban drainage. This is followed by an introduction to using EPA SWMM, for modeling the quantity and quality of storm water runoff produced from urban
areas. The topics to be covered include: - Project Setup - Constructing a SWMM Model - Setting the Properties of SWMM Objects - Saving and Opening Projects
- Running a Single Event Analysis - Viewing Simulation Results - Simulating Runoff Water Quality - Running a Continuous Simulation
2-day Network Analysis and Introduction to Surge Analysis course
An introduction to the hydraulic modeling of water distribution systems will be covered, reflecting the basics of water distribution modeling and reviewing the different components of water
distribution systems. EPANET, which is public domain software, will be used for the modeling although the basic principles taught are applicable to any water distribution modeling software.
Transient flow assessment is a crucial part of the pressure class selection of pipes during the final design stage to prevent surge pressures, which could result in pipe failures. Foreseen and
unforeseen operational circumstances can result in undesirable pressure conditions that should be analyzed during the design of new pipelines, assessment of the upgrading of existing systems and
determining the influence and risk associated with planned operational changes. Aspects that will be discussed are the basics of transient flows, calculation procedures, selection of surge protection
devices and the use of the UPSurge.
Flood hydrology and climate change impacts
A practical course on flood calculation methods and flood routing will be presented. The application of the theory working through practical exercises will be undertaken.
Flood calculations methods such as deterministic, empirical and statistical analysis will be applied in the exercises. The popular freeware software program, EPASWMM will be demonstrated and
introduced as a tool for the modeling of urban drainage system. The EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single event or long-term
(continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. After this course, you will be in a position to calculate the design flood and perform a simulation, routing this
through a storm water system.
One-day Pipeline Design Course
The course focuses on a review of the hydraulic theory required for the design of pipeline systems. Aspects which will be covered include
the hydraulic principles, optimum selection of the required pressure class and diameter, review of the pipeline components for effective operation, pressure control and an introduction to dynamic
pressures and alleviating options. The participants will be guided through worked examples to reinforce the principles and grow confidence in the design of pipe systems. The course material includes
free utilities and software to assist in the analyses of pipe systems.
Exercise solutions
2D - Free Surface Flow Modeling (New HEC-RAS version 5.0)
Course description The course will focus on the theory and analyses of practical free surface flow problems. The basic theory of free surface flow, mass; energy and momentum conservation,
will be reviewed and the application to determine flood lines, culvert sizing, bridge flow hydraulics and dam break analysis will be covered. The widely used HEC-RAS software package will be reviewed
and demonstrated by performing one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic calculations for steady and unsteady flow conditions as well as dam break analysis. Delegates will learn how to
approach and construct a numerical (1D & 2D) model for various flow conditions, and to effectively view and analyse results. A number of practical problems will be discussed and
solved. This will acquaint participants with background and confidence to conduct various flow simulations.
Course objective The objectives of the course are to provide a theoretical sound background in hydraulic analyses and a greater understanding of numerical modeling. This will be achieved by
conveying the theory in easy to understand presentations and reinforcing the understanding and application by problem solving. The participants will master the numerical modeling software HEC-RAS by
working through practical exercises for 1D and 2D problems with guidance from the presenters.
What will you learn?
Course attendees will gain a detailed understanding of:
- Basic hydraulics (flow regimes, controls and losses).
- Surface drainage (backwater calculations, flood lines).
- Understand in situ flow measurement techniques and flow gauging structures in South Africa.
- Learn to use the popular software package by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ HEC-RAS for performing 1D hydraulic calculations such as steady and unsteady flow simulations and analysing drainage
- Learn how to use HEC-RAS ver 5.0 to model 2D unsteady flow hydraulics.
- Get an overview of two-dimensional flow theory and the differences between one-dimensional modeling.
- Gain hands-on HEC-RAS experience by participating in practical computer workshops.
- Obtain valuable insights in methods for minimizing computation errors and instabilities for two-dimensional unsteady hydraulic models.
- Learn from “real world” projects and applications.
Course solutions
Practical exercise solutions - 2015
Also visit Chris’s blog:
2D - Free Surface Flow Modeling (HEC-RAS version 5.0.3)
Course description The course will focus on the theory and analyses of practical free surface flow problems. The basic theory of free surface flow, mass; energy and momentum conservation,
will be reviewed and the application to determine flood lines, culvert sizing, bridge flow hydraulics and dam break analysis will be covered. The widely used HEC-RAS software package will be reviewed
and demonstrated by performing one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic calculations for steady and unsteady flow conditions as well as dam break analysis. Delegates will learn how to
approach and construct a numerical (1D & 2D) model for various flow conditions, and to effectively view and analyse results. A number of practical problems will be discussed and
solved. This will acquaint participants with background and confidence to conduct various flow simulations.
Course objective The objectives of the course are to provide a theoretical sound background in hydraulic analyses and a greater understanding of numerical modeling. This will be achieved by
conveying the theory in easy to understand presentations and reinforcing the understanding and application by problem solving. The participants will master the numerical modeling software HEC-RAS by
working through practical exercises for 1D and 2D problems with guidance from the presenters.
What will you learn?
Course attendees will gain a detailed understanding of:
- Basic hydraulics (flow regimes, controls and losses).
- Surface drainage (backwater calculations, flood lines).
- Learn to use the popular software package by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ HEC-RAS for performing 1D hydraulic calculations such as steady and unsteady flow simulations and analysing drainage
- Learn how to use HEC-RAS ver 5.0.3 to model 2D unsteady flow hydraulics.
- Get an overview of two-dimensional flow theory and the differences between one-dimensional modeling.
- Gain hands-on HEC-RAS experience by participating in practical computer workshops.
- Obtain valuable insights in methods for minimizing computation errors and instabilities for two-dimensional unsteady hydraulic models.
- Learn from “real world” projects and applications.
Download Course brochure, programme and enrollment form.
Download Course Solutions
Also visit Chris’s blog:
Pipeline System Design
The focus in this course will be on the practical aspects of pipeline design. The theory of pipeline engineering, the optimization process and the design of pipelines will be covered through worked examples.
The effect of energy escalation in pump systems will be reviewed and participants will become confident with the design of pipeline systems.
Other aspects which will be discussed include: pipeline hydraulics, surge analysis, pipeline component design, pipeline installation, life cycle costing, testing and operation of pipelines. The
latest research results on the influence of bio-fouling on the hydraulic capacity of pipelines will be shared.
The potential of developing conduit hydropower as a renewable energy source in existing water distribution systems in SA will be reviewed
and time will be devoted to possible implementation of renewable energy in the design of water transfer systems
Planners, designers and managers of pipelines and water infrastructure, will benefit from the course.
Presentations (1-10)
Presentations (11-24)
Practical exercise solutions
Flood hydrology and urban runoff modelling
A practical course on flood calculation methods and flood routing will be presented. The application of the theory, through practical
exercises, will be undertaken. Flood calculations methods such as deterministic, empirical and statistical analysis will be applied in the exercises. The popular freeware software program, EPA Storm
Water Management Model (EPASWMM) will be demonstrated and used in the modeling of urban drainage system. The software (EPASWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single event or
long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. Participants will be in a position to calculate the design flood and perform simulations of routing the
flood through a storm water system.
Delegates: Download presentations and exercises
Hydrological and Hydraulic Assessment + HEC-RAS Apprentice Course
Course description The Road Drainage Manual, first published in 1981, was fully updated in 2007. It has been further expanded with new chapters and more practical examples added by
the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) and published as the “Drainage Manual, 6th Edition”. The additions include sections on Stormwater System Analysis and
Design, Assessment of the Hydraulic Capacity of Existing Drainage Structures, Application of Flood Routing, the Value of Maintenance, Modelling of Free Surface Flow, Flood Line Calculations
and all other chapters were revised. The DM Application Guide has been expanded and is supported by a suite of software packages. Discussion of both theoretical and practical issues will allow
participants to successfully analyse and design drainage structures.
Course objective The objectives of the course are to reflect principles, standards and procedures applicable to the hydraulic design and assessment of drainage problems and provide guidance
in solving drainage related problems. This will be achieved by reviewing the contents of the latest Drainage Manual and reinforcing the understanding and application by problem solving.
What will you learn?
- Course attendees will gain a detailed understanding of:
- Flood hydrology and its application in South Africa;
- Basic hydraulics (flow regimes, controls and losses);
- Surface drainage (backwater calculations, run-off from roads kerbs, discharge channels, chutes and pipes);
- Lesser -, major culverts and bridges (what’s the difference);
- Storm water systems and flood routing;
- Assessing existing drainage structures (new design philosophy);
- What the true value of maintenance is; and
- Preparing and approval of documents and drawings for drainage structures (what is expected of the designer).
- The attendees of the optional 3rd day will have a crash course on using the popular software package HEC-RAS for performing one-dimensional hydraulic calculations such as steady and unsteady flow
simulations and analysing drainage structures.
Course solutions
Practical exercise solutions - 2018
Day 3 - Presentations and HEC-RAS completed projects - 2018
Free Surface Flow Modelling
Course description The course will focus on the theory and analyses of practical free surface flow problems. The basic theory of free surface flow, mass; energy and momentum conservation,
will be reviewed and the application to determine flood lines, culvert sizing, bridge flow hydraulics and dam break analysis will be covered. The widely used HEC-RAS software package will be reviewed
and demonstrated by performing one-dimensional (1D) hydraulic calculations for steady and unsteady flow conditions. Delegates will learn how to approach and construct a numerical (1D) model for
various flow conditions, and to effectively view and analyse results. A number of practical problems will be discussed and solved. This will acquaint participants with background and confidence to
conduct various flow simulations.
Course objective The objectives of the course are to provide a theoretical sound background in hydraulic analyses and a greater understanding of numerical modeling. This will be achieved by
conveying the theory in easy to understand presentations and reinforcing the understanding and application by problem solving. The participants will master the numerical modeling software HEC-RAS by
working through practical exercises for 1D problems with guidance from the presenters.
What will you learn?
Course attendees will gain a detailed understanding of:
- Basic hydraulics (flow regimes, controls and losses).
- Surface drainage (backwater calculations, flood lines).
- Learn to use the popular software package by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS for performing 1D hydraulic calculations such as steady and unsteady flow simulations and analysing drainage
- Gain hands-on HEC-RAS experience by participating in practical computer workshops.
- Learn from real world projects and applications.
Download Course Solutions
Also visit Chris’s blog:
Hydrological and Hydraulic Assessment + HEC-RAS Apprentice Course
Course description The Road Drainage Manual, first published in 1981, was fully updated in 2007. It has been further expanded with new chapters and more practical examples added by
the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) and published as the “Drainage Manual, 6th Edition”. The additions include sections on Stormwater System Analysis and
Design, Assessment of the Hydraulic Capacity of Existing Drainage Structures, Application of Flood Routing, the Value of Maintenance, Modelling of Free Surface Flow, Flood Line Calculations
and all other chapters were revised. The DM Application Guide has been expanded and is supported by a suite of software packages. Discussion of both theoretical and practical issues will allow
participants to successfully analyse and design drainage structures.
Course objective The objectives of the course are to reflect principles, standards and procedures applicable to the hydraulic design and assessment of drainage problems and provide guidance
in solving drainage related problems. This will be achieved by reviewing the contents of the latest Drainage Manual and reinforcing the understanding and application by problem solving.
Course solutions
Practical exercise solutions - 2019
Pipeline Design Course (Port Elizabeth - Eastern Cape)
The focus in this course was on the practical aspects of pipeline design. The theory of pipeline engineering, the optimization process and the design of pipelines was covered through worked examples. Other aspects which were discussed included: pipeline hydraulics,
surge analysis and pipeline component design. The latest research results on the influence of bioufouling on the hydraulic capacity of pipelines will be shared.
The potential of developing conduit hydropower as a renewable energy source in existing water distribution systems was also reviewed and
time was devoted to possible implementation of renewable energy in the design of water transfer systems
Practical course solutions - 2019
Pipeline System Design
The focus in this course will be on the practical aspects of pipeline design. The theory of pipeline engineering, the optimization process and the design of pipelines will be covered through worked examples.
The effect of energy escalation in pump systems will be reviewed and participants will become confident with the design of pipeline systems.
Other aspects which will be discussed include: pipeline hydraulics, surge analysis, pipeline component design, pipeline installation, life cycle costing, testing and operation of pipelines. The
latest research results on the influence of bio-fouling on the hydraulic capacity of pipelines will be shared.
The potential of developing conduit hydropower as a renewable energy source in existing water distribution systems in SA will be reviewed
and time will be devoted to possible implementation of renewable energy in the design of water transfer systems
Planners, designers and managers of pipelines and water infrastructure, will benefit from the course.
Course solutions
Flood hydrology and urban runoff modeling
A practical course on flood calculation methods and flood routing will be presented. The application of the theory, through practical
exercises, will be undertaken. Flood calculations methods such as deterministic, empirical and statistical analysis will be applied in the exercises. The popular freeware software program, EPA Storm
Water Management Model (EPASWMM) will be demonstrated and used in the modeling of urban drainage system. The software (EPASWMM) is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model used for single event or
long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality from primarily urban areas. Participants will be in a position to calculate the design flood and perform simulations of routing the
flood through a storm water system.
Delegates: Download presentations and exercises
Pump Station Design
The course focussed on the theory, analyses and practical problems related to the design of clear water pump stations. The basic theory of pump selection, energy efficiency, operational control,
valve selection, life cycle cost assessment, case studies and dynamic pressures will be reviewed. Delegates will be assisted to solve a number of practical problems related to pump station design.
This will familiarize participants with the topic and provide confidence to undertake the design of a pump station.
- Pumping principles and pipeline characteristics
- Type of pumps and pump selection
- Minimum flow requirements and priming systems
- Pump station layout
- Suction side design and reducer selection
- Standards for the design of pump sumps, submergence and pipe work
- Valve selection, positioning and working (Isolating, Non-return, Control, Air valves and Pump control valves)
- Electrical design and instrumentation requirements
- Variable Speed Drives
- Simplified surge analysis
- Life Cycle Costing
- Acceptance testing, Operation Manuals and Tender Specifications
- Various practical case studies presented throughout the course, reflecting the typical practical problems.
Course solutions
Practical exercises and factory visit