Services offered
The Sinotech team has experience and can assist in the following fields:
- Flood calculations (deterministic, empirical and statistical methods)
- Risk assessment of flooding and flood line calculations
- Run-off determination
- Review of hydraulic structures
- Pipeline design (structural, hydraulic, components and protection)
- Pipeline system optimization using genetic algorithm techniques
- Pipeline component design (valves, crotch plates and thrust blocks)
- Surge analyses (any scenario and any component)
- Pump station design and analyses (pump selection, pump scheduling and layout)
- Water distribution system design and analyses (layout, flow scenarios, pipe classes, hydrant positioning etc.)
- Water loss management
- Sanitation system design and analyses
- Storm water run-of modeling (flood routing, retention ponds, inlet structures)

- Free surface flow modeling (complex river systems, steady and unsteady flow, hydraulic jumps)
- Culverts and bridges
- Hydraulic design of spillways
- Model studies (pump inlets, free surface flow and hydraulic structures)
Asset management
- Field investigations to establish the effect of operational variations in pipe systems
- Flow measurements to establish mass transfer rates

- Pressure measurements to determine the hydraulic characteristics and loss coefficients
Hydropower development
- Feasibility studies
- Hydropower design and construction
- Conduit hydropower development
- Low head hydropower
- Kinetic type hydropower