AQUA Hydraulics




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The AQUA Hydraulic Utilities consists of an easy to use user friendly Life Cycle Costing program for the design of pipelines. All the programs were written in Visual Basic version 6.0 by Sinotech CC.

The user friendly program is a valuable and time saving tool with which Engineers can design a pipeline over the full life span taking into consideration all the costs. The program can design a gravity or pumping system with varying or fixed demands.

The program provides the engineer or designer with a tool to ensure that the design is the best solution for the complete design life of the system.

The program requires the user to enter the demands, design life, pipeline profile, pipeline characteristics, laying details, rates and costs. The program will determine the initial capital requirements the annual maintenance and operational costs and in the case of a pumping system the energy costs. The program provides a graphical representation of these costs as well as the hydraulic capacity of the ageing system. Tables with all the calculated results are also shown with the capability to export these to other Windows applications.


AQUA Hydraulics Utilities runs on any personal computer, but requires Windows 95/98/ME/XP, Windows N.T 4.0, or 2000. The program takes up approximately 12 MB of hard disk space.  The following hardware specification is recommended:

  • Pentium III or higher
  • 128 MB RAM or more
  • 52X CD-ROM drive (for software installation from distribution CD)
  • 800x600 display, 24-bit colour or better


AQUA Hydraulics Utilities is distributed on a CD and has a detailed user's manual. The distribution CD contains all the files and libraries necessary to install and run the program, AQUA Hydraulics Utilities. The user manual is provided in hard copy format although an electronic version is distributed with the CD in Adobe Acrobat format. The latest versions of the Adobe Acrobat readers are also included on the distribution CD as well as other useful software (mostly freeware).


You install AQUA Hydraulics using the program setup.exe. The Setup program installs the software, sample applications and the help files.

To install AQUA Hydraulics Utilities from the distribution CD:
- insert the distribution CD in the CD-drive
- type "d:setup.exe" (if "d" is the CD drive) or use the windows explorer to start the setup.exe program on the CD.
- Follow the setup instruction on the screen.

To install AQUA Hydraulics Utilities from the downloaded file:
- Unpack the self executable file into a temporary directory.
- Run the setup.exe program or simply double click this file.
- Follow the setup instruction on the screen.

The installation program automatically creates a program group called AQUA Hydraulics Utilities. This program group will be listed under the Programs menu, which is under the Start menu. The installation program creates the directory specified by the user and then copies the necessary files to this directory. The installation program will install all the necessary files in their correct locations and will create shortcut items under the Windows Startup menu.

The following files should be in the selected directory:




\Documents\Step-by-step guide for LCCA of pipelines.pdf

\AQUA Hydraulic Utilities.hlp

\Projects\Example 1 (Gravity system).ahu

\AQUAHU Registration.exe

Projects\Example 2 (Pumping system).ahu

\AQUAHU Registration.hlp







AQUA Hydraulic Utilities once installed can be used for a 15 run trial period. If the user would like to become a registered user, a password is available free from the program developers. The benefit of registering is that regular updates of the program and information on the latest products available will be distributed to all the
registered users.

Please print the registration form and fax it to the number below. Registering can also be done by telephone or e -mail. Sinotech CC will provide the password which must be entered to register the program. If registering by phone please remember to provide the "System serial number" generated by the program.

Fax: 012 362 5218

Remember to keep the password provided for future reference. It may be required to re-enter the password if the program is updated in the future. Updates will be send to all registered users and will be made available on the internet website.


The latest version available is version 1.0.0 (1 August 2006), see Updates for earlier versions:
Date: 1 August 2006
License: Freeware (requires registration)
Size: 7.8 MB
AQH - version 1.0.0
This is the demo version but once the registration password (free) has been entered it changes to a full working program.

No updates available.


The software program was developed for the convenience of its users. The AQUA Hydraulic Utility software is a modification of an existing software package developed by Sinotech CC. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the program is accurate and reliable neither the Water Research Commission, University of Pretoria nor the program developers, Sinotech CC accept any liability of any kind for any results, interpretation thereof or any use made of the results obtained with this program. All users of this program do so entirely at their own risk.

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